Q1: This week I decided to do draw on a piece paper. I sketch it through a computer that we have in our classroom because I wouldn't done by myself. I though it would be better on a better rather than do it on a wood.

Q2: Something about this project that went really well was the way I drew the paper because I thought it would come out looking messy. I thought the star came out looking good, i wasn't so sure about it at first. At first I believed it would come out not looking the same or the other side would look more bigger than the other side.

Q3: One part of my project that was a struggle was the painting because I did it with a crayons so it didn't come out the way I wanted. At first I wanted to do it with a paint but it would look too much and go through the paper. I believe I could've did it much better and kept on painting with the crayons.

Q5: I did good this week of school because I'm always coming to class on time. First I make sure I did my post note so that the teacher knows what the students are going to do in class. I also make sure that I know what I'm going to do in class so that I can get graded for the day. I was very focused this week and got everything done.
